Friday 28 November 2014

Life of a Part Time Student

Reactivating my blog after about 2 years of non-blogging.

My current status as a part time student has suddenly jolted my brain cells to start connecting again. That, and also my current withdrawal from updating fb status. U know,  that situation of wanting to write to pour that feelings out. Yet, I don't want people who hardly knows to me to read it and then make assumptions about my life. Yeah, I'm a sad soul I know. Haha!

Reading updates and sensational news on the fb feeds are really addictive u know. Duh! As if we don't know that already. I've been planning to burn the midnight oil to complete my assignment. So, reading the fb feeds is clearly wasn't on my list. Yet, I get hooked... Well, to my defense, I didn't only read gossips ok, but I managed to gain some knowledge as well.

So, here I am at 1.45 am, reactivating my blog. So much for assignments...